Wednesday, January 6, 2010

to a new year.

And so I made a major decision. I had to make sure that next
year, I wouldn't end up shit-faced and listening to sad FM,
easy-listening for the over-thirties. I decided to take
control of my life, and start a diary... to tell the truth
about Bridget Jones...the whole truth. Resolution number one:
obviously will lose twenty pounds. Number two: always put last
night's panties in the laundrybasket. Equally important... will
find nice sensible boyfriend to go outwith...and not continue to
form romantic attachments to any of the following: alcoholics,
workaholics, commitment-phobics... peeping toms, megalomaniacs,
emotional fuckwits, or perverts. And especially will not
fantasize...about a particular person who embodies all these

love bridget. and just like her, I think a new year brings about new resolutions that may or may not, but probably most definitely, be broken. My resolutions? probably the same as last year and the year before that and the year before that. In the words of ms. jones, "obviously will lose twenty pounds." Or, better yet, just be more healthy. making better choices about what I eat and how I spend my time. Walking more places. Drinking more water. I wanted to start this right when I got back from my trip, but I'm actually really sick--not to mention jet lagged-- so I figure I should get healthy so I can actually get healthier. Number two: will be more productive in my happiness. That means spending less time wandering around the internet and watching youtube videos, and spending more time doing things that make me happy. Reading more, taking art classes, spending more time with friends and the people who make me happy. And, in the interest of trying NOT to break these resolutions, I think I'll end the list at number two. My resolutions don't sound to bad, eh? Be healthy and happy in 2010. There's some feel-goodness right there.

Here's to a happy 2010 =)

1 comment:

  1. God, I love that movie!

    Yes, resolutions are pretty much the same every year. Which means that they are continually broken, otherwise they wouldn't be continual resolutions :)
