Thursday, July 15, 2010

Random musings

I should be studying. But today is just one of those days where I'm doing everything else except the very thing I must accomplish today.

I thought that bringing myself outside my apartment to study in a library or something would force me to work, but here I am sitting in a room thats absolutely beautiful, and smelly, and echo-y, and studious, but all I'm doing is blogging.

yeah, I don't want to talk about it.

Did I mention this room is beautiful? It's all red brick, and mouldings, and desks--like the kind you see in movies when students at university are "studying." It smells a bit like an old european basilica or something, you know, something old and well lived in and mixing with the blood, sweat, and tears, of everyone who has ever passed through its doors.

The kind of smell that can only happen with something lasting and aged.

When I walk from campus to my apartment, I often see boys with bouquets of flowers. Probably for the girlfriends. Just because, or at least I like to think so.

I want flowers.


  1. That is TOTALLY gorgeous!!!!!

    We feel the same way about buildings :)

    You're not alone in wanting flowers...

  2. WOW!!!! it looks like it came from a spread of a magazine or something!
