Wednesday, March 24, 2010

now that that is over with

sorry about that last post. I was in a weird mood. please forgive me, I get like that before my bday. It just happens, and while I know that I shouldn't fret, because its inevitable that I'll get older, I can't help but fight it tooth and nail.

to sum up the day:

a late start. piano. yiruma. dancing in my living room. 2ne1. wesley. haircut. twlight. mall. vindication! driving. views of the pacific ocean. tiredness. awkwardness in elevator. awkwardness at receptionist desk. put on the spot. old friend. thrown to lions. tanners. CRAFT. deliciousness in abundance. zagat rated coffee. drive home.

felt lots of love today, so I can't complain.

more on CRAFT in another post.


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