Monday, November 22, 2010


I forgot to post this up on this blog. My friend Sonya, via her platonic boyfriend, sent me a link & what I found therein was just uncanny. Here's an excerpt:
I am writing to you because I'm about to make a pretty drastic decision in my life. To me, it's not that big of a deal. Maybe because I'm dead set on doing it, I've got blinders on so I can't see the bad in my decision. Maybe it's because I love the thought of the unknown. But others seem to think I'm crazy.

I'm quitting my job and moving abroad to hopefully find a job teaching English in Europe.
Read: I AM A WANDERER, since you asked.

(would you look at that. two posts in two days!)


  1. You already know I love this link you posted :)

    I am a wanderer too. I think (in the most pretentious statement I'll ever say) that we are the best kind of people. Not so quick to go by society's rules, but hard pressed on going by our own rules, on our own schedule, dammit.

    There's something kind of brave (and possibly stupid) about that. But after living a life of sensibility, a little stupid is in order.

  2. haha Ashley, I would so "like" your comment if I could. Because I agree with everything you just said, completely. :)
