Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am exactly 12 hours away from when my last papers (my only papers) are due in my professors office. I can not wait to be done this semester. As it is, I have been working on these for the last week pretty much exclusively--I even took the whole week off! But as I down to my last 5 or so pages--but not including revision and formatting--I am all anticipation for 5:01 PM and the rest of my summer.

- Dinner plans include a girls night at (ye) Old(e) Spaghetti Factory in San Marcos @ 40% off =)

- Cleaning: My room and car are just disgusting. Like, I can barely stand to be here, but when you live in your room for 24 hrs a day for the past week, and live out of your car for the last 6 months, things tend to get ugly. EVERYTHING will get cleaned with a fervor that is so unlike me.

- Returning books: I have to turn in over 40 books tomorrow. I need something to carry these all in, or like, movers or something. Also, I'm deathly afraid of what my final library fine will be: as it stands I think I'm about $51 dollars in overdue fees.

- Summer reading: I have issues of InStyle, and 15 books that I've started and never finished that I need to get through. Plus, my yearly dose of some Bingley, Wentworth, and of course, Darcy.

- Seattle: I've wanted to visit here for so long, and I hope it stays rainy and gloomy and generally beautiful. I have enough sunshine here that I would like to experience different weather if I'm flying 1000 miles away.

- But most importantly, I will be able to sleep again come tomorrow evening. I can not wait.

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