Thursday, March 26, 2009

pee aye eye enn

Pain is a four letter word.

Pain reminds us of our own mortality & what it feels like to be human. Pain is to live. Pain is know that one exists.

Pain is a part of the everyday experience. It is common. It is shared commonly among people. It manifests itself in broken hearts, broken dreams, broken bones and broken souls. Pain is physical. Pain is emotional. Pain is mental. Pain is succint, it is vague. Pain stirs emotions and demands attention. It calls us to examine ourselves. What hurts us? What makes us weep? What leaves scars, both real and imagined?

And perhaps more importantly, what is our own reaction to hurt? Do we wallow? Do we despair? Do we recover? Do we internalize pain and take it was a process of a cruel and unforgiving world? Do we take it as a part of life that teaches us how to live through adversity? A life with pain is painful, but a life without it is null and void to the of pointlessness.

Pain is a four letter word.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Michelle and your deep thinkin'

    You are a true philosopher :)
