Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.
-- Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights.
-- Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights.
Do you believe in soulmates?
I can't say that I fully believe in it the idea of soulmates. The idea of destined lovers, of having no control over who it is that you love, that affairs of life and love can be so conveniently packaged in one person for the rest of your life... is sort of absurd. And yet, I am strangely attracted to this idea of destiny and fate or whatever you want to call it. This whole topic of soulmates was again brought to my attention, no not because of the upcoming "holiday" (???) but because I was reading up on some asian myths, and the notion of the red string of fate was presented.
I suppose I am more intrigued with the dark side of being soulmates. That you are bound to this one person, whether you like it or not, whether they are good for you or not. That as much as it can be a wonderful thing--it is like a double-edged sword that can bring you just as much misery as it can bring happiness.
And how do you know you've even found your soulmate? People always say that you just know, but no--fail--this page does not exist--my mind cannot comprehend this. Because you can think you know, but how can you really? In every failed relationship, there was a time when we all thought we couldn't love anyone as much as this one person. And even if you get a happily ever after, what if you think you are marrying your soulmate, but realize 5, 10, 15 years down the road that he wasn't at all who you thought he was. Or 2 years after your marriage you randomly bump into a stranger and that guy is your soulmate, not your husband. And what happens if either one of you pass away prematurely? There's just too many variables. Cannot process this concept of soulmates.
But I know, I know, the answer is that because you are destined, then it will all work itself out. If you are bound by the single red string of fate then the one who is your soulmate will find you. I suppose when dealing with such things as destiny and fate, faith here is the only thing that can carry you. That, and maybe hope.
Do I believe I have a soulmate wandering around out there somewhere? I don't know. I'd like to think so, but I'm not betting on it.
Currently listening: Gravity by Sara Bareilles
^image above is based on the myth of the "Cowherd and the Weaver" as drawn by Yun Mi-Kyung
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