It may seem like I'm blogging a lot these days, but the truth is, most of these posts come from the manifold thoughts that run through my head in one day. I make a post about whatever it is that I'm thinking about, and then "schedule" it to be posted on a later date. For some reason, it has taken me nearly years to figure out this blogging tool (yeah that's right. been blogging since 2001, what!), or however long it has been available for use. So if the posts seem extremely superficial, that is because they are. Usually, I would write about something, create it as a draft, play with it after thinking about it some more, then finally publish. Not so with this scheduling process! Sometimes I forget that I've "scheduled" a post to go up, and so it hasn't even been looked at since I first typed it up. what's funny is that when I forget and then I check my blog, my reaction upon seeing a new post is the twinge of excitement that happens when I read other blogs (see my blog list) that have just been updated. "Oh cool, Mirth has been updated! Something new to read!" as if it wasn't my blog. so lame.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about in this post. I wrote that out because I'm going to schedule this to go up in 2 days time haha.
What I wanted to talk about is those people, and we all know at least one of them, who just can not take a bad photo. They are just too genetically blessed, just so darn good looking, that even their "ugly" photos end up being cute/charming. "Aw that's adorable, they are trying to be ugly." you know what I'm talking about. This may come as a surprise to you (or maybe not), but I am not one of those photogenically gifted people. When I take pictures trying to look "normal" I usually end up looking like I'm trying to hard to look normal haha. When I take silly/ugly photos, they usually end up looking extremely unflattering, like I went too overboard in the ugly department.
Here are some gems:

my personal favorite, the "Caught you sleeping" pic. Open mouth, double chin, so attractive.

the "Caught in Motion" pic. If I were one of those pretty picture takers, the hair flip would look something like Lucy Liu a la charlies angels...

but I'm neither lucy liu nor a pretty picture taker, clearly.

Ah, the "End of the night, make up gone all and hair is all over the place" pic. Nuff said.

Another one of my favorites, the "Unflattering Close-up."
Yup, definitely not a fantastic picture taker. AND at the moment, I'm like a 13 year old because my face is breaking out all over the place. I blame stress and coffee consumption :P
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