I don't know why I'm "window shopping" online when I have 10000000 things to do. But looking at these shoes makes me want to click "add to cart" and then "checkout." love both. want both. budget does not allow for both. what's a girl to do??
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world says he loves somebody. It means nothing. it still doesn’t mean anything. What you feel only matters to you. It’s what you do to the people you say you love, that’s what matters. It’s the only thing that counts. -Last Kiss
I had a great picture of dragons from when I went to the Chinese New Year celebration this past sunday saved on my phone that I was going to post up here... but somehow it got deleted! so sad. The one above is a picture of a red envelope I hung up on my desk that has my name written in Chinese characters--at least, I think it says my name. It should say my name haha. Can anyone confirm this for me??
Even though I'm of a kind of asian (or something) that technically doesn't celebrate the Lunar New Year, I had great fun spending the day with my friends Tiffany and Jazmine eating and causing trouble. Just kidding about the causing trouble part ;) It's funny, now that I'm older (old?) I feel like getting to know more about asian culture. Any one who knows me knows that I'm pretty much a eurocentric kind of girl, and in particular a greco-roman kind of girl, and am pretty much ignorant about this part of the world. So I'm trying. And it's fun! I feel like I'm meeting up with an old friend, or maybe a long lost friend.
And yes, I know that this post is framed around the Lunar New Year, and that I shouldn't just group really complex cultures under the title "Asian", but I think for this purpose it works. The distinction I'm making is the eastern part of eurasia--the non european part. Call it part of my social conditioning, call it part of being filipino-american, but I never really explored anything about the culture of asian communities. You could also chalk it up to me taking it for granted that I'm partially inclusion in this larger network [the issues at hand in being filipino/ filipino-american warrant their own separate post...I mean, are filipino people "asian"?) In any case, I'm learning a lot and appreciating more and am filled with such desire to travel there. While I had a vague awareness of the merits of civilizations outside of the european consciousness, it is only recently that I'm appreciating it.
Since I had a blog picture fail, I'll just post this one from google images that resembled the one I had taken: currently listening to: Fallin Out- Keisha Cole
someone please date me. haha does that sound too desperate?
As much as I go on and on about not believing in soulmates, I still believe in the idea of love. And I particularly believe in love when I see it in other people. Like, for instance, on valentines day when I was at the store and saw this much older man buying a bouquet of flowers for his dear wife. The image of him, standing in line with his buttoned up shirt and slacks that I imagined was his outfit of choice for the last 40 years or so, holding a lovely bouquet of flowers, I broke into a smile. How lucky is she, I thought. Howlucky are they both.
And I know it's my own fault for watching too many romantic comedies, and for reading way too much Austen, but I really just want someone to date me! To be clear, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I just want to go on dates haha. Maybe I just want someone new to meet. Maybe I want to be wined and dined (<--yes!). All the more better if the date in question was someone funny and kind and witty and driven. Even more points if he resembled a one Fitzwilliam Darcy. Honestly, isn't the best part of a relationship the beginning away? When the two of you are just getting to know each other, but don't know enough yet to really be annoyed? When there isn't anything to fight about except what movie to watch at night. Wait, that line seems familiar. Is that from a movie? It feels like it. haha someone tell me where that's from. You've Got Mail perhaps? :) But what I was trying to say is the beginning of a relationship is the most fun, most exciting time, right? I mean, we're even biologically programed to think so. Someone once told me that when you start dating someone, your body releases a chemical that increases all the sensations associated with liking someone--commonly known as "butterflies." But after 6-8 months, your body stops producing the chemical, and that's why people usually break up after a year. Wait, where was I going with this now that I've just crushed the feel-good mood I was trying to establish with this post? Oh yes, uh, the chemical reaction is just another reason why the beginning is the best. So yes, I want someone to date me. But let's be clear, I have standards. As a reference see Fitzwilliam Darcy. =)
(Dedicated to Ms. Ashley who forced me to post something worthwhile)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The many great gardens of the world, of literature and poetry, of painting and music, of religion and architecture, all make the point as clear as possible: The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden. If you don't want paradise, you are not human; and if you are not human, you don't have a soul. - Thomas Moore
so I'm supposed to be editing down my chapters for my thesis. But instead I keep writing more! Just when I think I'm done with a chapter... something happens and I find out I'm missing something and end up writing an extra 2 pages. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm the last person on this floor and my office is a mess and I'm so tired and !)*^!(%&!IP%I!)^%(!$^(!$*__((!*%^!%!@%@&#%(%!!!!!
Something that I've been struggling with lately is religion, and specifically my relationship with God. I'm not going to go into any sort of detail, but today marks the first day of the Lenten season, and I'm determined to make it a good one for me.
Marked. and yes, those are my bangs standing straight up a la Alfalfa:
Nothing--and I mean nothing--on TV has me on the edge of my seat quite like figure skating.
All growing up I used to be glued to the TV whenever the olympics came on. In the summer, it was all about gymnastics; in the winter, figure skating. I love the olympics because I choose to believe that it celebrates something intrinsically human that is, for a matter of weeks, reaffirmed through the games. I believe in its intent, its potential and its spirit. And, come on, its greek in origin and tradition, so I'm pre-programmed to like it. gosh, I love the games.
But for some reason, I haven't seen nearly anything about this year's winter games. I don't know when it started, I've missed all sort of figure skating programs, and to be honest, I don't even have a team/person to support beyond the nameless American. Is it only me who is feeling like this? Because I feel like its only me. But I think I've narrowed it down to a couple of reasons why I'm not engaging in the games this year.
One: I'm so shoulder-deep into my thesis that I'm out of touch with current events. Honestly, I have no idea what is going on in the world. This makes me sad.
Two: Stressing a point I made above. I've just got no one, in particular, to cheer for. In general, of course, Team USA...but not having an athlete(s) to rally behind, is exactly like watching the superbowl but having your team eliminated ages ago. You just can't get behind it. I also think that when you have a face in mind when you cheer for your team, you manifest all those good emotions and friendly competition in that one person. You invest in their story and make it your story so every victory is particularly sweet, and every obstacle and failure particularly crushing.
Three: Ever since Michelle Kwan stopped skating, I stopped caring/watching. She was the main reason I watched the winter olympics. I wanted to see her skate. I was so invested in her success. I remember in 98 cutting out newspaper articles about her, at first as the one favored to win gold, and then, as the one who somehow--despite skating 2 solid programs--managed to medal at the olympics, but the medal was the wrong color. In 2002, I remember thinking that this was the year she would get it all back. That despite her being older than her competitors, that it didn't matter because she would for sure win Gold. And then just being crushed when Michelle ended up with bronze. I remember hoping against hope in 2006 that she would qualify for the national team despite her injuries, and that she would be well enough to finally get that Gold medal, as it was probably the last olympics she would participate in and still have a chance. Then came the disappointment when she announced that she was withdrawing from the competition, and thinking that it was all over.
See what I mean? For me, Michelle Kwan embodied all the things I love about watching the olympics. Her journey was my journey. And when she left, there wasn't much else for me to hold on to. Her face was replaced with unfamiliar one; her techniques, grace, and heart were replaced with a frigidness that matched the new scoring system. As much as her olympic journey had ended, so did mine, despite me not being an athlete, nevermind an olympic one haha.
"Excuse me, do you mind watching my stuff for a moment? I'm just going to step out..."
"Oh, no not at all. I'll keep an eye on it."
What is it about studying next to a random person in a coffeeshop that makes you think you can trust them to not run out the door with all your stuff? I mean, we haven't formally met...you don't know my name... you don't know anything about me. Just because you've been sitting next to me for the last 3 hours doesn't make me an honest person who isn't a klepto. Is it because I look like an unassuming asian girl who has too much crap surrounding her that it would be hard to make a quick break? Or is it because it looks like you could totally out run me and take me out? Or is it because you feel some sort of strange unacknowledged bond with me because in the last 3 hours we've picked up our respective coffee mugs up simultaneously twice, and have leafed through papers simultaneously once?
Whatever it is, I get it. I, too, feel like I can trust you not to run away with my stuff, mr. stranger man, because we've developed a harmonious bond of co-existing in the same space without annoying one another. That bond, weak as it is, makes me think well of you, and prevents me from stealing you 17-in MacBook Pro that I've been eyeing for the last 3 hours.
Oh! And this brings up another point. Just what do they expect ME to do if some random should just come up and start hoarding the stuff away? What would be appropriate in that situation? Do I politely interrupt them mid-theft to ask them what they are doing, and could you please put that back? Do I run to the bathroom where my neighbor is currently relieving themselves and bang on the stall door screaming that their stuff is being taken away? Or do I (and this is my favorite) wait until the perpetrators have got a good distance away from me, take a running start, and tackle them in front of the gathering masses? Instant hero and slot on the 9 o'clock news.
Just when I think I have my stance on love and soulmates all figured out, I hear this song by Yiruma that makes me eat my words. Appropriately named "Destiny of Love," whenever I hear it, I find myself gazing off and sighing! Then I catch myself and give myself a mental slap for being so hopeless. Btw, I pretty much recommend anything by Yiruma (and whatever you think, no, the river runs in you is not Bella's lullaby -_-).
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. -- Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights.
Do you believe in soulmates?
I can't say that I fully believe in it the idea of soulmates. The idea of destined lovers, of having no control over who it is that you love, that affairs of life and love can be so conveniently packaged in one person for the rest of your life... is sort of absurd. And yet, I am strangely attracted to this idea of destiny and fate or whatever you want to call it. This whole topic of soulmates was again brought to my attention, no not because of the upcoming "holiday" (???) but because I was reading up on some asian myths, and the notion of the red string of fate was presented.
I suppose I am more intrigued with the dark side of being soulmates. That you are bound to this one person, whether you like it or not, whether they are good for you or not. That as much as it can be a wonderful thing--it is like a double-edged sword that can bring you just as much misery as it can bring happiness.
And how do you know you've even found your soulmate? People always say that you just know, but no--fail--this page does not exist--my mind cannot comprehend this. Because you can think you know, but how can you really? In every failed relationship, there was a time when we all thought we couldn't love anyone as much as this one person. And even if you get a happily ever after, what if you think you are marrying your soulmate, but realize 5, 10, 15 years down the road that he wasn't at all who you thought he was. Or 2 years after your marriage you randomly bump into a stranger and that guy is your soulmate, not your husband. And what happens if either one of you pass away prematurely? There's just too many variables. Cannot process this concept of soulmates.
But I know, I know, the answer is that because you are destined, then it will all work itself out. If you are bound by the single red string of fate then the one who is your soulmate will find you. I suppose when dealing with such things as destiny and fate, faith here is the only thing that can carry you. That, and maybe hope.
Do I believe I have a soulmate wandering around out there somewhere? I don't know. I'd like to think so, but I'm not betting on it.
confession: I LOVE korean pop music (affectionately called KPOP). I know what you all are thinking, just how did I get into kpop, and why would I like it when I can't understand a lick of what is being said. Well, I've been a listening to kpop for awhile, and, it's just super catchy...it IS pop music afterall. And making up my own words is half the fun! hmm... maybe it's best explained through specific examples of my favorite groups.
Daesung, G-dragon, Seungri, TOP, Taeyang
I just adore these boys! so cute and funny and can do no wrong. I can appreciate the fact that they just look like they are loving every moment of doing what they do. Some engrish skills...they have japanese songs that are in english heyyy. They are just so darn charismatic. And come on, we all know the soft spot I carry around for boybands. And, in a bizarre sense, they kind of remind me of nsync back when nsync was still fresh and fun. Undoubtedly the biggest group in Korea at the moment, they all bring something unique to the group. And I appreciate that while they all have their own solo projects, they remain dedicated to the group [gosh JUSTIN!]
2. 2NE1 Minzy, Dara, CL, Bom
How could I not love a group that was called the "Female Big Bang" from the start? Like their male counterparts, they are fresh and fun and got so much swagger it is not even funny. Love Park Bom, I wish we were friends. I have to give credit where it is due: these girls, and this song in particular, were what caught me and brought be into kpop. So thanks 2ne1 =)
3. 2AM Jinwoon, Jo Kwon, Seulong, Changmin
While they sometimes get overshadowed by their counterparts, 2PM, I like this group not only because they've got some mad ballad skillz yo, but their leader, Jo Kwon, has got to be the most fabulous character on the scene. Flamboyant to be sure, but when it counts, he belts out ballads like its nobody's business. And I love him and Ga-in on the variety show, "We Got Married." 2AM makes me long for the return of the great r&b groups!
4. Wondergirls Yubin, Sohee, Sunmi, Sunye, Yenny
Their songs are just so darn catchy-- hear "Nobody" on the radio once and it's stuck in your head the whole day! I have to give them credit for trying to break into the American music market and thus far, doing a pretty good job. They all seem like nice girls with talent to boot (except for maybe sohee, who I just could never grow to like). I don't know what is going to happen now that one of the 5 girls has decided to leave the group--think Ginger spice leaving the spice girls-- but if it is anything like what happened to the S.G. then it doesn't bode to well for the Wondergirls.
It may seem like I'm blogging a lot these days, but the truth is, most of these posts come from the manifold thoughts that run through my head in one day. I make a post about whatever it is that I'm thinking about, and then "schedule" it to be posted on a later date. For some reason, it has taken me nearly years to figure out this blogging tool (yeah that's right. been blogging since 2001, what!), or however long it has been available for use. So if the posts seem extremely superficial, that is because they are. Usually, I would write about something, create it as a draft, play with it after thinking about it some more, then finally publish. Not so with this scheduling process! Sometimes I forget that I've "scheduled" a post to go up, and so it hasn't even been looked at since I first typed it up. what's funny is that when I forget and then I check my blog, my reaction upon seeing a new post is the twinge of excitement that happens when I read other blogs (see my blog list) that have just been updated. "Oh cool, Mirth has been updated! Something new to read!" as if it wasn't my blog. so lame.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about in this post. I wrote that out because I'm going to schedule this to go up in 2 days time haha.
What I wanted to talk about is those people, and we all know at least one of them, who just can not take a bad photo. They are just too genetically blessed, just so darn good looking, that even their "ugly" photos end up being cute/charming. "Aw that's adorable, they are trying to be ugly." you know what I'm talking about. This may come as a surprise to you (or maybe not), but I am not one of those photogenically gifted people. When I take pictures trying to look "normal" I usually end up looking like I'm trying to hard to look normal haha. When I take silly/ugly photos, they usually end up looking extremely unflattering, like I went too overboard in the ugly department.
Here are some gems:
my personal favorite, the "Caught you sleeping" pic. Open mouth, double chin, so attractive.
the "Caught in Motion" pic. If I were one of those pretty picture takers, the hair flip would look something like Lucy Liu a la charlies angels...
but I'm neither lucy liu nor a pretty picture taker, clearly.
Ah, the "End of the night, make up gone all and hair is all over the place" pic. Nuff said.
Another one of my favorites, the "Unflattering Close-up."
Yup, definitely not a fantastic picture taker. AND at the moment, I'm like a 13 year old because my face is breaking out all over the place. I blame stress and coffee consumption :P