Friday, January 9, 2009

Movie List

Lately, I haven't hardly watched any movies. not in theaters, not at home, nothing. when I get busy there just isn't time, and when the girls get together we never watch movies because nessa is so adamant that its a waste of time. but since I'm on break, I can look forward to a watching movies again. here's a couple that I want to see:


out in theatres today I don't want to see this so much for the story, as for the dresses and such. and yes, sometimes, I don't mind watching a movie purely for entertainment value.

out 02/06/09

out 04/24/09 the music in the trailer got me hooked. Bach's cello suites <3 I highly recommend listening to them. Yo Yo Ma released a cd not too long ago on the suites, and my favorite is the prelude.

1 comment:

  1. I SOOOOOOOO want to the see the Soloist!!!!!!

    I saw an add for it and almost died! If you need someone to see it with, you know who to call (wink)
