Since the new year, I've tried to be on a health fix and to get some use out of this gym membership that I pay for every month. the holidays are never, ever, kind to me, and to be honest, I feel sorta gross at the moment. I'm not trying to be super skinny or anything, and I'm definitely not following any fad diets, but I want to get back to where I was maybe a year ago. Apart from exercising, I'm trying out new and health conscious food and drink recipes. As part of this new health awareness, I'm posting some healthy recipes here to try out and will rotate them out every week. Check them out on the sidebar.
Look what came in the mail today:

It is a pizzelle maker, a belated Christmas present from my sister, that just arrived today since it was backordered for weeks. It basically makes little, round, thin, italian cookies, that look like flat waffles. they are great how they are, but I'm excited to make them into little cannoli desserts (soo not healthy!)


pizzelle cannoli
mmmmmm...I wanna try one!!!