This is how my haircut turned out. I love kelly, the girl who cuts my hair, because I just went in, told her briefly what I had in mind, and she just let me know what she wanted to do with it. It was easy, quick and while I'm still getting used to it, I'm happy with the results. Oj wanted to get into the picture too, so here we are.
CUTE! can't wait to see your haircut at Prado tomorrow. (yah i know, total BELATED comment) but since i dont see you often this is kind of my update. hahaha. I dont think i can return to kelly anymore. everytime i head in i feel rushed, and with the hairwash, she cuts me in precisely 15 minutes or less. Not that i have that much hair anyways, but it often times comes out as a botched job, recently anyways. UGH im so disappointed in her. :( but i really like her and she really did an excellente job in those bangs. A LA Vanessa. hahaha