Friday, May 29, 2009

F-ing CA Budget!

Yesterday I received this email from the graduate advisor:
Dear Graduate Students,

If you have gone on-line today to look at the class schedule for the Fall
semester, you will have read this message:

As a result of the California budget crisis and resulting CSU and SDSU
budget reductions, the fall 2009 class schedule will be taken off-line
until the week of June 22 in order for departments and colleges to
re-evaluate their course offerings. As part of this process, all student
wish lists will be cleared. When the schedule is back online, you will need
to re-wish for your classes. You will receive an e-mail notification when
the fall class schedule is back online.

The History Department anticipated there would be additional cuts and
eliminated a number of courses before the posting of the Fall courses. I
have been assured that the graduate courses (numbered 600 or higher) will
be remain, and, that because of the department's foresight, it presently
will not sustain as many course cancellations as other departments. Stay
tuned and recheck the schedule the week of June 22nd.

Now, while I'm not especially concerned with not being able to take any of myclasses for next fall--hurray for Independent Study--I am concerned with my TA position. As in, will I still have one come fall. If they decided to cut undergrad sections, or if they simply cannot afford to pay for so many grad students, I wonder what will become of me. Ahh California, if you weren't so gosh darn pretty, and if I could live anywhere else be here, I wouldn't be think twice of leaving you. On a serious note, I hope CA gets its act together. There are a lot of programs--healthcare, welfare--that are in serious danger and whose loss has high stakes for all of us. I don't even know if the "bailout" from the Federal gov't could even help at this point except to buy CA some time. We need to figure something out soon though.

1 comment:

  1. seriously. CSUSM limited everyone to 13 units max this semester bc of the budget. If you CHANGE or register as new after june 5 then they enforce the new rule. booo. now it will only take me 30 more years to finish need to get outta here, outta CA!!!
