Sunday, November 21, 2010

You know I Must Be Happy

...because I'm neglecting this blog.

It's true though. If you look at my archives, the months I have the most posts are because I'm miserable. So I just come here and rant shamelessly. But when I get happy, I ignore my blog.

I'm sorry, blog, you deserve better.

There's nothing especially happy to report, its just an overall feeling of happiness now that I'm at home. Little things I used to take for granted about living in San Diego, and in California in general, I'm trying to make up for--especially since we've been enjoying an extended summer. I think I hit more beaches in San Diego in the 3 weeks I've been back, in November mind you, than I have in the last 10 years of living here.

On a day spent in Coronado with the baby:

Panacotta Gelato. The only place in SD that I've ever seen it.

My days consist of sleeping in, cooking, maybe cleaning, sometimes learning Korean, hanging out with friends, occasionally tutoring, and oh right, a whole lot of shopping. So much shopping I'm sort of shocked and appalled with myself. But I had like no winter/cold weather items, so I NEEDED to shop. But here's a hint of a few of the things I picked up.

my biggest and happiest finds, I'll show in another post soon. maybe. If I'm not too busy like being happy or something. ^_^

OH, a small EPIK/Korea update. They have most of my documents in Korea as I type, and I just got my FBI Background check & copy of my Master's Degree in the mail yesterday--so that means I'm off to LA tomorrow to get things apostilled. Then hopefully it'll be smooth sailing.

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