Although I'm not a huge magazine reader, I do enjoy them when I have the time/inclination/patience to read through one. I'm partial to fashion magazines more than "women's magazines" and I've always thought the editorial spreads in the international issues were, for the most part, better than their American counterparts. British Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, and Korean Elle, for instance, far better than the American issues. Except for maybe, W magazine, which I've always found to have interesting editorial spreads no matter what issue, this seems to hold true.
And sometimes, while just flipping through a magazine, or, since I'm too cheap/poor to actually buy the issues themselves, when I scan them online (so cost efficient!), often there's just a shot that makes me pause. Like this one:
(Obscura, Oct. 2010)
I've been seeing model Du Juan popping up in all sorts of editorials that I've liked recently, but this one I thought was exceptionally pretty, so I thought I'd share.
She's beautiful!