Friday, September 17, 2010

Conquering Korean!

So, since I have all this free time, I'm teaching myself korean.

I know that if I want to make it in Korea, I'll need to learn how to read hangul.

Thus far, I've made flash cards.

But I'm far more interested in speaking Korean. Bc, really, isn't that the goal of learning any language? To communicate with people? To be able to communicate one's own thoughts?

So I started an online course and I'm really really excited. Surprisingly, I know more korean than I thought---thank you kdramas! at least, for the first chapter haha. I have basic words down, and I'm excited to learn new things!

new word: sillyehamnida<--romanized because I can't do hangul. It means, "excuse me."

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! different alphabet and all!

    That's cool michelle. You are going to be one of those ladies that knows 7 languages, I swear.
