Sunday, August 29, 2010
OVER it.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Cooking in Philly
will introduce forgetfulness into the soul of those who learn it: they will not practice using their memory because they will put their trust in writing, which is external and depends on signs that belong to others, instead of trying to remember from the inside, completely on their own. You have not discovered a potion for remembering, but for reminding. (Phaedrus 27a)
Day 5: Picture from your morning
Followed by a trip to trader joes in the best weather Philly has had since I've been here! I'm currently sitting in my room in the middle of the afternoon with no a/c or even a fan on, and I'm not even breaking a sweat! I almost forgot what it felt like to not be sweaty haha.
It makes me excited for that East coast Fall weather I've heard so much about :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 4: A Picutre of where you went today
I went to chinatown to eat dim sum. The place we went was busy & delicious, but unfortunately we were stuck in a table at the back--behind large parties--so I literally had to fetch our food from the carts! I was just glad to be eating what is probably my favorite thing to go out and eat. nom nom nom.The Chinatown Friendship an internationally known landmark and a symbol of cultural exchange and friendship between Philadelphia and its Sister City, Tianjin, China. The Gate is part of the Port Agreement signed in Tianjin, China on November 11, 1982...
The Gate is the first authentic Chinese Gate built in America by artisans from China. Weighing in at approximately 88 tons and standing 40-feet high, the Gate's bright colors and elaborate design reflect traditional ancient color combinations used in early Chinese imperial construction. Themes of mythical creatures and graphic patterns typical to Ming and Qing Dynasties were used. A procession of mythical animals is featured on tiles, each with its own significance: the phoenix ensures good luck, and the dragon, with the magical power retaining water in its mouth, protects the structure of the Gate and the community from Fire.
Friday, August 20, 2010
from a friend
As we pass through childhood, each of us, a storehouse of alternative ways of becoming a person, imagines many different courses of action and of life he may later take. However, we cannot be everything in the world. We must choose a path, and reject other paths. This rejection, indispensable to our self-development, is also a mutilation. In choosing, as we must, we cast aside many aspects of our humanity. If, however, we cast them aside completely, we become less than fully human. We must continue somehow to feel the movements of the limbs we cut off. To learn how to feel them is the first major work of the imagination.
Day 3: Picture of your street
Thursday, August 19, 2010
My life as I envision it
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Artsy Fartsy
Then I promptly celebrated.
I had dinner with people from my class/program that pretty much turned into a b*tch fest of epic proportions.
Today, I slept in and enjoyed more sleep in one night that I would get in like 3 nights put together. I went to this amaaaazing public market where I was tempted at every turn by the sights, smells, and deliciousness in front of me. I ransacked an arts supply store where I spent faaar too much but ultimately it was all well worth it. I SHOPPED at H&M and bought my first clothing item in nearly 2 months!
I came home, cleaned off my desk, and actually PAINTED something today. Like, on canvases that I bought from the supply store. I also put up "wallpaper"--literally, I bought huge sheets of printed paper and mounted them on a wall.
I freaking FINALLY watched inception. I didn't even know joseph gordon levitt was in the movie. ah, my love affair with him and his hot hot hot eyebrow lift. I've realized that the single eyebrow lift is sort of a fetish of mine. If a guy does it, immediately is 10,000 x more attractive in my eyes haha. Since JGL was already so awesome in my eyes, you can only imagine how much more I love him with a brow raise. **swoon**
All in all, it was a pretty awesome day. Actually, it has been the best day I've had in Philly to date!!
I only hope that when my grade gets posted tomorrow, it doesn't turn my perfect weekend into a sob/pity/grief fest!!
p.s I know I haven't posted any pictures of philly, but thats because I don't have my CAMERA because my sister lagged on sending it to me. So I'm waiting for it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
A hairy situation
I got a wash, cut, and blow dry for a grand total of $16!!
I had been debating between 2 haircuts for a while now--pretty much the question of what to do with my bangs. And while I wanted to do this cut:

My bangs hadn't grown out long enough, and to be honest, I was getting irritated by my side bangs, thus I went to the usual:

nothing fancy, and probably shorter than I've had it in a looong time, but that's a good thing in this heat!