Friday, July 9, 2010


you have no idea how many drafts of this post I have. I didn't know quite what to say, and to be honest, I've been to busy to sit down and properly post.

however, today I had my first meltdown in Philly.

There's a lot of things going on, personal, financial, and scholastic, and while I'm quite used to being stressed, almost nothing gets me more upset then when I have questions and the people in charge cant/wont help me.

Um, hello, sorry to inconvenience you, but this is MY LIFE HERE so can you stop being a douche and talk to me? Or, better yet, can I talk to you without going through 500 burning loops of death via the automated telephone service?

School is tough man. 3 hours of class everyday. But that's not even the part that's rough, it's the homework. The first day, it took me like 12 hours to complete the assignment, yesterday, I didn't even finish the homework. Its 3 hours of class and something like 8 hrs** of homework. That's like, my whole day.

**8 hrs, but I havent done this in 2 years so my Greek is so ridiculously bad. I feel like a failure in this class, and I'm desperately trying to jog my memory to get Greek back. But as it is, an 8 hour assignment takes me something like 12 hours. No freaking joke.

That doesn't leave a lot of time for very much else. I've only really had time to explore things within like a mile radius (hey I don't have a car!) so I'm hoping to get out this weekend to see something of the city beyond west philly.

And no, I haven't yet had a Philly cheesesteak.

Also, its HUMID here. blistering heat/humidity is probably the biggest adjustment here. I feel like I'm in the freaking PI. Gross stickiness, bleh.

Um... what else? The campus is beautiful. I feel like I'm going to an actual school now. All brick and wooden doors and just overall tree-ness makes me happy.

Now if I could stop getting lost...

ALright this took me too long to type up. Must study. Study or die.


  1. aww :/ love you! miss you! wish i could hear that things were going better for u. perhaps getting out to see the city will ease the stress for just a bit. keep your head up! (:

  2. yay!!! i think this is exactly how youre supposed to feel in your first week of a new life!!!

    that being said, i really hope those university dicks help you soon. it will work out!!!

  3. "In west Philadelphia born and raised..."

    You knew I had to sing it. HAD to!! :D
