Monday, August 17, 2009

French Feast for the Senses

Whenever I get asked what my favorite food is, my mind goes blank. I am at a complete loss for words. I adore chocolate, but I don't have a particular dessert-type food that I love more than anything. When I go out to eat, I usually choose a western-style restaurant/eatery simply but I also know that I can't live without the tastes of Asian cuisine [I can't give up my rice bowls...which is why I can't go on those no-carb diets haha]. Anyway, so while I can't say what my favorite kind of food is, I do love myself some french food. And have a new culinary hero: Tyler Florence. Excusing that stint he did for, what was it, Applebees?, everything he makes looks delicious and the way he describes ingredients and flavors is just beautiful--this is his take on french food. 

Images courtesy of, go there for these recipes. 

French Onion Soup.

Coq au Vin.

Next on my to make list: this scallop in puff pastry with a beurre blanc sauce.

As well as this: steamed lemon pudding with fresh berries. 

Salivating yet? ; )

1 comment:

  1. Just coming back from France, I'd have to agree that French food is amazing!!!! :)
