There are so many really simple ways to Go Green and Love Your Earth:
+ Skip the bottled water. Invest in an aluminum reusable water bottle and used filtered tap water from home. Cost efficient & you help the planet!
+Use Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs in your fixtures (CFLs)
+Unplug applicances when not in use
+Wash your clothes with cold water, and skip the dry cleaning altogether.
+Visit your local farmers market and buy food locally.
+Make your own Green Cleaning Products: link me!
To find out more about going green visit here
+ Skip the bottled water. Invest in an aluminum reusable water bottle and used filtered tap water from home. Cost efficient & you help the planet!
+Use Compact Flourescent Lightbulbs in your fixtures (CFLs)
+Unplug applicances when not in use
+Wash your clothes with cold water, and skip the dry cleaning altogether.
+Visit your local farmers market and buy food locally.
+Make your own Green Cleaning Products: link me!
To find out more about going green visit here
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