a new blog. and although I love posting on group blogs, this time its just for me. I'm not really sure why I decided to start this because even as I type these few sentences I'm already thinking about time being taken from all the stuff I have to do. call me a slacker. Its getting to be the last few weeks of the semester and I'll be busier than usual...I really need to buckle down and focus. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Work is work but then theres school which takes up a lot of time not to mention the fact that I'm supposed to spend time at home, with the girls, with sadaf and then theres the bf. I can't give quality time to any of them really, but trying to give time to them all is hard to do. and it doesnt help when everywhere I go I keep getting guilt trips about me not being around. well, I'm trying. and nobody seems to understand how hard it is on me. all school is not the same and the work thats demanded of me is hard enough without feeling guilty all the time. but I know I shouldnt complain because I knew it would be like this, especially since I want to be done in next may. only. one. year. left. damn it.
I'm so looking forward to summer. no summer school, and a much needed vacation. trips to san francisco and seattle too! I'm way excited. but knowing me, I'll start to go a little crazy with all the free time hahaha. as much as I complain about having so much to do and not any time to do it in, once I get too much free time I feel the need to be busy haha. so I'm hoping to intern this summer. I hope hope hope against hope that I'll get somewhere good that I can continue for the fall so I can quit my job and focus on something I can do after I graduate.
and I guess that's all I have for now.
oh, except, happy 6.
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