These are lazy days. lots and lots of sleep. some work. more play. It's like a complete 180 from my life one month ago when I was super busy, had no sleep and definitely no time to play. These are definitely summer days.
...but I also have a tendency to become bored easily. bored, and antsy. because I have all this time, I want to go out and do something. A few days of rest and doing absolutely nothing are much needed after the stress of school, and I am always grateful to have them, but then, after about 2 weeks or so, I start to get bored. especially now, I have no summer school or anything. plus the friends are in vegas this weekend so I'm just hanging out at home, when I'm not at work.
which brings me to the topic of that place in which I get paid too little and treated like I'm an idiot and irritated by people who talk too much and do too little. anyone whose known me for a while knows that I can never stay at a job for too long. jobs are jobs are jobs because I've never been employed doing what I want to do...mostly because I didn't know what I wanted to do and so could never find a job that could turn into a career. I take a job to suit my lack of income, stay at it for about a year, and for whatever reason, around the year mark, something happens where I just snap and quit. Don't get me wrong, I don't go all crazy and go all dramatic, and usually no big turning point occurs, but I just get a... feeling. I think it might be the mixture of becoming accustomed to the job to the point of monotony and boredom, combined with the overwhelming realization that the job does absolutely nothing for me but feed my income. I have no real interest in retail, food service, customer service etc., and the pointlessness becomes over bearing. Plus, I'm probably irritated enough where I decide that I just don't care enough to pretend anymore that I do. So what are my options? What do I do? I quit! haha.
now now, this does NOT label me a quitter. I'm not quitting at any of my life goals or my aspirations, and definitely not at anything that actually holds some relevance for me. I'm just making a decision to part with an aspect of my life that I feel no longer suits me. It's natural. The longest job I held was at the hotel, but thats because the money kept me in haha. Looking back, it was a good thing, and maybe I should have stayed longer--but then who wants to get trapped in some job just for the money? Not I. I always wanted to aspire to living my life's joy--and so in essence, you could say that by quitting on all my jobs, I'm NOT quitting on that dream. so hah.
I did have the chance to leave a couple of times before for other jobs. But I suppose a part of me was not fed up yet, and still comfortable, with my current job to actually leave. Another factor, in which there is no point of denying, is that I stayed for him.
but now let me say, it's time to move on. I'm starting to get really interested in public history, and I'm in the process of applying for different positions and internships. I did get the internship with the Archaeological Center--I start this Thursday. But everyone seems to be on vacation, so I won't here back from the Historical Society for a few more days at least. But here's hoping for something good! =)