the worst part of it, however, was coming home just to be yelled at for cleaning, or more specifically, not cleaning my room--what a way to completely ruin the weekend. It's as if my whole vacation was just an excuse for people to go into my room and go through my stuff. That's so damn annoying. I need a lock on my door or something. And she wonders why I never tell her anything. Now I'm just sitting in my room not willing to go out or talk to anyone. I came home with gifts and ready to talk about how my weekend went, and now my good mood is completely ruined.
In this sense, I think me and the boy are similar. cross us once, and we are ready to hold grudges against you forever. there really is no point in trying. What freaking drives me crazy is that she thinks I have all this time to clean--when I really know that its just a metaphor. That I can't be too busy since I have time to spend with him. What crap. Yes I prioritize--who doesn't? but she doesn't understand that I have a million things going on--how could she possibly know what I have going on in my life when I don't tell her ANYTHING. She has no conception of what I'm doing and I'm not willing to let her in on the details of my life because, lets face it, there's no real point now and I swear as long as I keep a clean room, it wouldn't matter if I shot someone.
anyway, it just makes me want to move out. and yet I know the reality of my situation. Well, hopefully by this time next year my prospects will look brighter.
but man, I hate it when someone rains on my parade.